Thursday, January 22, 2009

4:58 PM: Bath tomorrow...

Nothing much to report. I'm really looking forward to seeing Bath again tomorrow. The bus leaves at 8:00 AM from Victoria, so we're leaving the school around 7:00 AM. Blah. I'm so excited, though. Bath is beautiful and homey. We're going to try to have tea and scones in the Pump Room at some point. Can't wait...

A big group of Webster girls plus me piled into a dorm room last night to watch the movie of all movies: Pride and Prejudice! The houses featured in the film are unbelievable; I wrote a paper about some of them last semester in my Landscape course. Earlier in the day, Julia and I ate lunch with the incredible Sophie Laws, the quaint little English lady who is the head of Regent's Study Abroad program. She told me that I could hop on a train and visit each house in a day. What a great weekend adventure! My friends are big Jane Austen fans, so we're planning a few days to see the houses in the films: Chatsworth in the northern Peak District, Groombridge Place Gardens in Kent, and Basildon Park in Berkshire. Until it gets a bit warmer, these days trips are ideal. We want to see places like Ireland and Scotland in late March or April when the temperature rises.

Until later...

1 comment:

  1. I just caught on to the blog address & was INCREDIBLY thankful that I didn't have too much to read in order to catch up. Sounds so fun! I'm glad I have people whom I can live vicariously through! Studying abroad is something I always, always, always wish I had done. I'll be keeping up.
